Legal Service Plan | LegalShield

Legal Service Plan | LegalShield

Legal Service Plan

Life is full of legal situations both planned and unexpected. Now getting legal help is easy and cost effective.

Here's what you need to know

LegalShield’s Legal Service Plan provides all the legal help you need, anytime and anywhere. You will be connected with an established provider law firm who can provide assistance with a variety of personal legal situations.


The plan provides coverage for:


  • Estate planning
  • Real estate services
  • Family law
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Consumer protection
  • Traffic
  • Tax audit
  • Advice and consultation
  • Letters and phone calls on your behalf
  • Contract and document review
  • 24/7 emergency access


Legal counsel is expensive and LegalShield makes it affordable. With LegalShield, you have direct access to a dedicated provider law firm for one low monthly rate.

Your personal legal plan protects every aspect of your life. Feel empowered and gain peace of mind knowing your provider firm is there for you for a wide range of personal legal matters that may happen down the road.


  • Help with motor vehicle and driving needs including traffic tickets, accidents, criminal charges, and driver’s license maintenance & reinstatements
  • Representation and defense at trials for civil suits
  • Assistance with IRS audits, investigations or examinations of your tax return
  • Advice and consultations for credit issues
  • 25% off hourly rates for any additional legal needs not included in your fee

These are the periods when you are eligible to enroll in a Legal Service Plan: 


  • Within your 31-day new hire enrollment period
  • Within 31 days of a qualifying life event (you get married, have a baby, etc.)
  • During your employer's annual enrollment

These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.


LegalShield Benefit Overview

LegalShield Microsite

How It Works

Number One Enroll now icon

Enroll in the Legal Service Plan

Number Two Online Service Icon

Contact a network attorney

Number Three Legal Icon

Receive unlimited legal advice & assistance

Number Four Shield Icon

Pay nothing – for legal services covered in your plan

You recently had a child and decide it’s time to create a will.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is the provider?



    LegalShield has dedicated law firms in 50 U.S. states and four provinces in Canada. The lawyers have been with their respective law firm for an average of 22 years and have a range of experience. This allows them to advise members through a variety of everyday legal matters from family, auto/home and financial. All legal matters are handled 100% in network and there are no claim forms to fill out or call center to navigate through.

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  • Who in my family is eligible for this program?

    You, your spouse/domestic partner and qualifying dependents are eligible. You must be enrolled in coverage for members of your family to be covered.
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  • How much does this coverage cost?

    $7.36 per pay period covers you, your spouse/domestic partner and dependents.
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  • What if my employment status changes?

    Good news! If you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue your coverage without interruption (subject to applicable law and the plan’s terms and conditions). Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply.
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  • After enrolling how can I start to use this benefit?

    LegalShield will send you a member number and instructions on how to create your account along with contact information for your dedicated provider law firm when your plan becomes effective. You will need this member number to create your LegalShield account on You will be asked to create a username and password.


    Once you have created your account, you can download the LegalShield mobile app and use your created login credentials to sign in. With LegalShield’s mobile app you can schedule a consultation with your provider law firm to discuss your personal legal matter.

  • What are the features of the LegalShield app?

    The features of the LegalShield mobile app include:

    • Direct access to a dedicated law firm
    • Easily begin will preparation
    • Upload legal documents for review including speeding tickets
    • Access to free legal forms
    • 24/7 emergency legal access
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  • Are pre-existing legal matters covered?

    Pre-existing legal matters are covered if they fall within the scope of covered services and if you have not represented yourself in the matter, the court involved is still within the original jurisdiction and an attorney-client relationship did not already exist prior to enrollment. Specific speculation may also apply, depending on the specifics of the legal matter.
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  • How do I cancel my membership?

    You can only cancel your membership at your company’s next annual enrollment.
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  • What is considered a legal emergency?

    The participant receives toll-free telephone access to the provider law firm on a 24 hour per day basis by calling 1-877-825-3797 for the following covered emergencies:

    • Anytime the participant is in the presence of a law enforcement officer that may detain him/her.
    • Anytime the participant is in the presence of a law enforcement officer or agency representative who is attempting to take away the participant’s child(ren).
    • If the participant is involved in an accident that results in bodily harm or physical injury.
    • The participant is being served with a warrant.

Are you ready To Enroll?

You are eligible to enroll during any qualifying event (new hires, life events) or during the open enrollment period.

Do You Need Help?

Our team is ready

M-F 8a-5p CT

Phone Number: 1-800-698-2849