Hospital Indemnity Insurance | Voya

Hospital Indemnity Insurance | Voya

Hospital Indemnity Insurance

It’s open enrollment now through October 31, 2024. Help pay for out-of-pocket expenses that result from a covered hospital stay.

Open Enrollment Ends In





October 14 - 31, 2024

Here's what you need to know

IMPORTANT: This is a fixed indemnity policy, NOT health insurance


This fixed indemnity policy may pay you a limited dollar amount if you’re sick or hospitalized. You’re still responsible for paying the cost of your care.


  • The payment you get isn’t based on the size of your medical bill
  • There might be a limit on how much this policy will pay each year.
  • This policy isn’t a substitute for comprehensive health insurance.
  • Since this policy isn’t health insurance, it doesn’t have to include most Federal consumer protections that apply to health insurance.


Looking for comprehensive health insurance?


  • Visit or call 1-800-318-2596 (TTY: 1-855-889-4325) to find health coverage options.
  • To find out if you can get health insurance through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.


Questions about this policy?


  • For questions or complaints about this policy, contact your State Department of Insurance. Find their number on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ website ( under “Insurance Departments.”
  • If you have this policy through your job, or a family member’s job, contact the employer.


Hospital Indemnity Insurance provides you with a cash benefit you can use to help pay expenses when you have a covered hospital stay.*


If you’ve ever been hospitalized, then you already know that your major medical insurance may not pay all of your medical expenses. Whatever remains is what you’ll be expected to pay on your own. Deductibles, copays, out-of-network charges, and other uncovered expenses can add up to big bills, even for a short hospital stay. 


That’s where Hospital Indemnity Insurance comes in handy. You can use the cash benefit you receive from this policy to help you cover not just bills related to your medical care, but any other expenses as well.


  • Pays a benefit directly to you to use however you want
  • It can help pay out-of-pocket expenses related to medical care associated with a covered accident or sickness
  • In addition to medical care, you may use it to pay for things like childcare, lodging, or over-the-counter medication


You can collect this benefit regardless of other coverage you have, including your employer’s major medical plan, any other type of medical coverage, disability insurance, or other benefits you may be eligible to collect. Hospital Confinement Indemnity Insurance is a limited benefit. It is not health insurance and does not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act.  

A hospital stay can be costly to your finances in 2 ways:


  • Medical bills. After being admitted, you have expenses for each day you’re in the hospital – and even a short stay can end up being costly. In addition to the stay itself, treatments, tests, and surgery can add to the cost.
  • Lost wages. Each day in the hospital could mean taking time out of work, or a family member may take time away from their job to help support you. If this impacts the paycheck that your family relies on, you may need to dig into savings or even borrow money. Hospital Indemnity Insurance helps alleviate these worries.  


Since you have the freedom and flexibility to choose how you spend your benefit payment, you can use it to help pay for anything you want. Even use it to help pay regular living expenses such as grocery bills, mortgage payments, childcare, and transportation – all of which could become a concern if you lose income while you’re in the hospital.


Instead of turning to your savings or taking on credit card debt to pay those medical bills, you can use the cash you receive from this policy to help pay them. That means less time spent worrying about money and more time spent focused on getting well again.

These are the periods when you are eligible to enroll for Hospital Indemnity Insurance:


  • Within your 31-day new hire enrollment period
  • Within 31 days of a qualifying life event (you get married, have a baby, etc.)
  • During your employer’s annual enrollment


Keep in mind: If you enroll during these timeframes, you have what is called "guaranteed issue," which means no medical questions or tests are required to enroll. Pre-existing condition limitations may apply.

These form(s) are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF) format and are available for downloading and printing.


Hospital Indemnity Insurance Brochure 


File A Claim


Rate Chart

Voya Microsite 

How It Works

Number one Enroll now icon

You enroll in Hospital Indemnity Insurance

Number two Hospital icon

After insurance is in effect, you have a covered stay in a hospital

Number three Giving money icon

Receive a payment

Number four shopping-cart icon

Use your money however you want

You are admitted to the hospital.

That’s when Hospital Indemnity Insurance comes in.

Because you have Hospital Indemnity Insurance, you get a cash payment you can use for any expenses you want – medical or not.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Handshake Icon
  • Who offers this coverage?



    Voya Financial, Inc. is a leading health, wealth and investment company that helps individuals be well planned, well invested and well protected. Voya has earned recognition as: one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere; a member of the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index; and a “Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion” on the Disability Equality Index.


    Hospital Indemnity Insurance is underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the Voya® family of companies. Voya Employee Benefits is a division of ReliaStar Life Insurance Company.

  • money icon
  • When is a benefit paid under the plan?

    Once your coverage is effective, Hospital Indemnity Insurance pays a daily fixed benefit if you have a covered stay in a hospital*, on or after your coverage effective date. The benefit amount is determined based on the type of facility and the number of days you stay. The admission and daily confinement benefit amounts depend on the type of facility and the number of days of confinement. Only one type of facility confinement or admission benefit is payable per day. Any combination of confinement and admission benefits payable will not exceed a total of 126 days during a period of confinement. For a complete description of your available benefits, exclusions and limitations, see your certificate of insurance and any riders.
  • people icon
  • Who in my family is eligible for this program?

    Members of your family who are considered eligible to enroll for insurance include:

    • You – if you are an active employee
    • Your legal spouse
    • Your eligible dependent children


    You must be enrolled in coverage for members of your family to also enroll. 

  • How much does coverage cost?

    This is group insurance offered at group rates. Refer to the Rate Chart in the Forms & resources tab. 
  • ban icon
  • Are there any exclusions or limitations?*

    Benefits are not payable for any hospital-related condition that is contributed to, caused by or resulting from the following:

    • Participation or attempt to participate in a felony or illegal activity.
    • Operation of a motorized vehicle while intoxicated. Intoxication means your blood alcohol content meets or exceeds the legal presumption of intoxication under the laws of the state where the Accident occurred.
    • Suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self-inflicted Injury, while sane or insane.
    • War or any act of war, whether declared or undeclared (excluding acts of terrorism).
    • Loss sustained while on active duty as a member of the armed forces of any nation. We will refund, upon written notice of such service, any premium which has been accepted for any period not covered as a result of this exclusion.
    • Misuse of alcohol or taking of drugs, other than under the direction of a doctor.
    • Elective surgery, except when required for appropriate care as determined by a Doctor as a result of your Injury or Sickness.
    • Riding in or driving any motor-driven vehicle in a race, stunt show or speed test.
    • Operating, or training to operate, or service as a crew member of, or jumping, parachuting or falling from, any aircraft or hot air balloon, including those which are not motor-driven. Flying as a fare-paying passenger is not excluded.
    • Engaging in hang-gliding, bungee jumping, parachuting, sail gliding, parasailing, parakiting, kitesurfing or any similar activities.
    • Practicing for, or participating in, any semi-professional or professional competitive athletic contests for which any type of compensation or remuneration is received.


    * Exclusions and limitations may vary by state. Consult your certificate of insurance for exact language.

    medical-clipboard icon
  • Do I have to answer health questions or take a medical exam?

    No, you don’t. Your Hospital Indemnity Insurance is guaranteed issue, which means no medical questions or tests are required to enroll in this coverage. Pre-existing condition limitations may apply.
  • transition circle icon
  • What if my employment status changes?

    Good news! If you leave or retire from your current employer, you can continue your Hospital Indemnity Insurance without interruption (subject to applicable law and the policy’s terms and conditions). Although payroll deduction will no longer be available, you can opt for other payment methods such as direct bank account deduction, credit card billing or home billing. Higher rates may apply. 
  • calendar icon
  • When would my coverage start?

    Coverage is effective on the 1st of the month after coverage is issued by the insurance company.
  • wallet money icon
  • Am I really free to use the payment any way I choose?

    Yes, you are! There are no restrictions or requirements about how you can use your hospital cash benefit. You don’t even need to use it on expenses you incur while you’re IN the hospital – you can also use it for expenses after you’re discharged. You’re free to use this money on anything you choose, including out-of-pocket medical expenses and/or non-medical expenses such as regular monthly bills if you’re out of work. 
  • Documents icon
  • What are pre-existing conditions and are they covered?*

    A pre-existing condition is a sickness, injury or physical condition for which you received medical treatment, consultation, care or services (including diagnostic measure) during the first 12 months** prior to your coverage effective date. For the first 12 months** after your coverage effective date or any increase in coverage, we will not pay benefits for a confinement resulting from a pre-existing condition. After the first 12 months** of coverage or any increase in coverage, benefits are payable for any eligible confinement even if resulting from a pre-existing condition.

    * Definition and limitation/exclusion may vary by state.

Open Enrollment: October 14–31, 2024

Are you ready To Enroll?

You are eligible to enroll during any qualifying event (new hires, life events) or during the open enrollment period.

Do You Need Help?

Our team is ready

M-F 8a-5p CT

Phone Number: 1-800-698-2849
  • Legal Disclaimers

    *The definition of “hospital” does not include an institution or any part of an institution used as: a hospice unit, including any bed designated as a hospice or swing bed; a convalescent home; a rest or nursing facility; a free- standing surgical center; an extended care facility; a skilled nursing facility; or a facility primarily affording custodial, educational care, or care for the aged; or care or treatment for persons suffering from mental diseases or disorders or drug or alcohol addiction. “Critical care unit” and “rehabilitation facility” are also defined in the certificate.


    **The use of “spouse” means a person insured as a spouse as described in the certificate of insurance or rider. This may include domestic partners or civil union partners as defined by the group policy. Please contact your employer for more information.


    World’s Most Ethical Companies: In March 2024, Voya Financial was one of 136 companies recognized by Ethisphere® as one of the 2024 World’s Most Ethical Companies® based on performance in 2023. The World’s Most Ethical Companies assessment is based upon Ethisphere’s Ethics Quotient® framework, which offers a quantitative way to assess a company’s performance in an objective, consistent and standardized way. The information collected provides a comprehensive sampling of definitive criteria of core competencies, rather than all aspects of corporate governance, risk, sustainability, compliance and ethics. Scores are generated in five key categories and provided to all companies that participate in the process: ethics and compliance program (35%), culture of ethics (20%), environmental and societal impact (20%), governance (20%), and third-party management (5%). While Voya’s Senior Vice President of Corporate and Organizational Development sits on Ethisphere’s Equity and Social Justice Initiative Advisory Council, he plays no role in the selection process for the World’s Most Ethical Companies award, but this fact has been disclosed to the extent it may be perceived as a possible conflict of interest. There is a processing fee of $3,500 USD to participate. Voya also pays $19,500 USD a year to participate in Ethisphere’s Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (“BELA”), which provides additional resources and services to members, including benchmarking data and related Ethisphere insights and guidance. There is also a $35,000 USD licensing fee for use of the logo. “World’s Most Ethical Companies” and “Ethisphere” names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC.


    Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index: In 2023, Voya was accepted into the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index for the 8th consecutive year. Voya is one of 484 companies accepted to the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, which represents organizations from 54 industries with headquarters in 45 countries and regions. To qualify for the index, Voya disclosed details of its policies and practices with respect to how the company promotes gender equality across four separate areas — company statistics, policies, community engagement and products and services. Voya and other companies included in the 2023 Gender-Equality Index scored above a globally-established threshold, based on the extent of disclosures and the achievement of best-in-class statistics and policies.


    Disability Equality Index: In 2023, Voya Financial was recognized by Disability:IN and the American Association of People with Disabilities as a 2023 Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion, earning a spot on the Disability Equality Index® (DEI). The recognition is based on 2022 information and a $600 administrative fee was paid for consideration. The 2023 DEI measured culture and leadership; enterprise-wide accessibility; employment practices (benefits, recruitment, employment, education, retention and advancement, and accommodations); community engagement; and supplier diversity. Voya Financial was one of 405 participating companies scoring 80% or higher.


    This is a summary of benefits only. A complete description of benefits, limitations, exclusions and termination of coverage will be provided in the certificate of insurance and riders. All coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the group policy. If there is any discrepancy between this document and the group policy documents, the policy documents will govern. To keep coverage in force, premiums are payable up to the date of coverage termination. Hospital Confinement Indemnity Insurance is underwritten by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company (Minneapolis, MN), a member of the Voya® family of companies. Policy form RL-HI2-POL-18; Certificate form RL-HI2-CERT-20; Spouse Hospital Confinement Indemnity Rider form RL-HI2-SPR-18; Children’s Hospital Confinement Indemnity Rider form RL-HI2-CHR-18; Continuation of Insurance Rider form RL-HI2-CNT-18; Diagnostic Test Benefit Rider form RL-HI2-DGR-18; Wellness Benefit Rider form RL-HI2-WELL-18; Accident Benefit Rider form RL-HI2-ACD-18; Critical Illness Rider form RL-HI2-CIR-18; and Waiver of Premium Rider form RL-HI2-WOP-18. Form numbers, provisions and availability may vary by state and by your employer’s plan.



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